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Corruption and the Coronavirus

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As communities around the world face an unprecedented global health crisis with the rapid spread of the coronavirus or COVID19 pandemic, our governments’ first priority should be…

The deafening silence around sextortion

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Sextortion happens when people are coerced into paying a bribe with sexual acts rather than money. Sexual extortion is a common but largely invisible form of corruption.

Building a fuller picture: The Financial Secrecy Index & CPI

Maíra Martini

Corruption is destroying the world’s forests

Transparency International logo
Transparency Int'l

Innovation on the ground — approaches to tackling land corruption

Land Corruption

Rotten deals — how corruption spoils our food

Transparency International logo
Transparency Int'l

Why would a doctor take a bribe?

Tom Wright

Citizens speak out about corruption in Africa

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The Global Corruption Barometer (GCB) – Africa, reveals that while most people in Africa feel corruption increased in their country, a majority also feel optimistic that they can…

25 corruption scandals that shook the world

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Twenty-five years ago, when Transparency International was founded, corruption was seen as the necessary price of doing business and something so deeply ingrained that exposing…


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