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Corruption and the Coronavirus

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As communities around the world face an unprecedented global health crisis with the rapid spread of the coronavirus or COVID19 pandemic, our governments’ first priority should be…

CPI 2019: Americas

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With an average score of 43 for the fourth consecutive year on the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), the Americas region fails to make significant progress in the fight against…

Three anti-corruption wishes for 2020

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Transparency Int'l

Four reasons the World Bank should engage more with civil society

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Transparency Int'l

Honduras: How a surge of corruption scandals has fueled political crisis

Andreas Daugaard

6 ways to support NGOs on social media

Javier Villaraco

Corruption, climate, crisis

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Transparency Int'l

Resilient institutions

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Reducing corruption is an important component of the sustainable development agenda, and one that all state parties have an obligation to address. Although corruption is often…

Corruption: not very sustainable

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Transparency Int'l

25 corruption scandals that shook the world

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Twenty-five years ago, when Transparency International was founded, corruption was seen as the necessary price of doing business and something so deeply ingrained that exposing…


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