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An uphill battle to fight corruption and strengthen democracy in Nigeria

CISLAC Nigeria

Transparency International 2005 Integrity Awards

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The TI Integrity Awards were established in 2000; they recognise the courage and determination of the many individuals and organisations fighting corruption around the world. To…

Brazil’s Supreme Court halts anti-money laundering investigations

Maíra Martini
A composite illustration showing the world map with dirty money hotspots highlighted; various elements include: a yacht, public official hiding his identity, a banker leaning against a washing machine, a mansion and an activist

CPI 2022: Trouble at the top

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While 2022 has seen some progress, advanced economies are still not pulling their weight in the fight against cross-border corruption.

Resilient institutions

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Reducing corruption is an important component of the sustainable development agenda, and one that all state parties have an obligation to address. Although corruption is often…


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