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Egypt 2014: National Integrity System Assessment

Between 2011 and 2014, Egypt experienced perhaps the most turbulent and uncertain phase in its modern history. The elimination of widespread corruption was one of the key issues galvanising Egyptians during the 25 January revolution. Hopes were high when the Mubarak regime toppled in 2011 that the time had come for an accountable, transparent and fair system of governance. This report provides a timely insight into the extent to which those hopes have been fulfilled and a roadmap for future reform, in another period of transition and uncertainty, following the removal of Mohamed Morsi by the military in July 2013 in response to large demonstrations. The NIS does this through assessing the current situation within its historical context since 2011. Its message is clear – progress needs to be faster, key institutions need reform and political actions need to focus on building a transparent, accountable and integrity-focused governance system.
