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Transparency and The Clinton Foundation: Regarding recent statements

There has been recent media attention in the U.S. regarding transparency and donation practices at The Clinton Foundation, including references to Transparency International. Transparency International-USA and the Transparency International secretariat based in Berlin, Germany conduct research and make recommendations on best practices in various substantive areas where corruption is a significant problem. Neither TI-USA nor the TI Secretariat has focused on the transparency of non-profit charitable foundations, including by any ranking. TI-USA presented its 2012 TI-USA Integrity Award to then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for her emphasis on the importance of increasing transparency and countering corruption as part of U.S. foreign policy, with the award addressed solely to those contributions. Other previous recipients of TI-USA's annual non-partisan Integrity Award are Sir James D. Wolfensohn, former U.S. Senator Richard Lugar (Retired - R-Indiana) and Paul Volcker.

For any press enquiries please contact

Claudia Dumas
Transparency Interational – USA
T: +1 202-589-1616
E: [email protected]