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TI-Secretariat statement on Global Corruption Barometer Results for Bangladesh

On 9 July 2013, Transparency International launched the Global Corruption Barometer, the largest-ever global survey on people’s experience and views on corruption in 107 countries, including Bangladesh. While the global launch was undertaken by the TI Secretariat in Berlin, Germany, National Chapters, including TI Bangladesh, launched the survey results in their own country.
The survey shows that corruption is a serious problem around the world, and Bangladesh is no exception.
Our survey asked respondents to rank levels of corruption in 12 institutions from on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means ‘not at all corrupt’ and 5 means ‘extremely corrupt’. Any category other than 1 must be understood to be corrupt in lesser or greater degree. .
One way to interpret this data is to look at what percentage of respondents thought institutions were strongly affected by corruption by combining categories 4 and 5, as has been done by the TI Secretariat. Another way is to look at how many respondents regard the respective institution as “corrupt” by combining categories 2, 3, 4 and 5, as done by TI Bangladesh.
Both presentations of the responses are correct ways of presenting the survey data.

Press contact:
TI-S: Dr. Finn Heinrich, Research Director, [email protected].

Question: To what extent do you see the following categories to be affected by corruption in this country? Please answer on a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 means ‘not at all corrupt’ and 5 means ‘extremely corrupt’.

A – Political parties
B – Parliament/legislature
C – Military
D – NGOs
E – Media
F – Religious bodies
G – Business/private sector
H – Education system
I – Judiciary
J – Medical and health services
K – Police
L – Public officials/civil servants

For any press enquiries please contact

Dr. Finn Heinrich, Research Director
E: [email protected]