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Commons ranks last on lobbying transparency

New report reveals 39 loopholes in the UK’s lobbying regulationsThe House of Commons has the weakest lobbying transparency rules compared to other UK political institutions, reveals a Transparency…

Turkey: Vote For Immunity Creates Image Of Impunity

Failure to allow independent investigation of corruption charges will have damaging wider impact on Turkish societyLast night’s vote to maintain the immunity of four former ministers facing…

CNM suspende por seis meses a fiscal Ramos Heredia

El Consejo Nacional de la Magistratura (CNM) decidió suspender por seis meses al fiscal de la Nación, Carlos Ramos Heredia debido a que viene siendo investigado por supuestas irregularidades en el…


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T: +32 (0) 2 893 24 66
E: [email protected]

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E: [email protected]

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E: [email protected]

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E: [email protected]