Lebanon pledges to increase transparency, civil society participation in the UNCAC Review Mechanism
At a high level meeting between the Lebanon delegation to the CosP 6, headed by the Lebanese Minister of Justice and the Transparency International delegation, Lebanon agreed to sign the Transparency Pledge, which includes six practical actions to increase transparency and civil society participation in the UNCAC Review Mechanisms.
The commitment came at the Conference of State Parties here where 177 signatories to the United Nations Convention against Corruption are reviewing its progress. Transparency International is advocating all countries commit to greater involvement of civil society in the fight against corruption
In his address to the Conference of State Parties (COSP), the Lebanese Minister of Justice Mr Ashraf Rifi had earlier emphasised his government’s commitment to publishing its self-assessment report and to greater transparency in the UNCAC Review Mechanisms including increased civil society participation in related processes. Mr Rifi is also the chair of the Arab Anti-Corruption and Integrity Network (ACINET).
During their meeting, all participants recognised the need for collaboration between all stakeholders, and expressed their appreciation for UNDP’s role in developing relevant capacities and facilitating cooperation between these stakeholders in Lebanon. The Pledge was emphasised as being in line with the Lebanese people’s desire for transparency and seen as an important element in the fight against corruption.
The Pledge is part of Transparency International’s advocacy agenda and was developed by the UNCAC Coalition, a partnership of more than 300 civil society organisations for which Transparency International acts as the secretariat.
The pledge outlines six principles for better cooperation between civil society and governments are:
• We will publish updated review schedules for our country review
• We will share information about the review institution with civil society
• We will announce the completion of the country review indicating where the report can be found
• We will promptly post online the self-assessment and the full country report in a UN language, together with the executive summary in local languages
• We will organise civil society briefings and public debates about the findings of the report
• We will publicly support participation of civil society observers in UNCAC subsidiary bodies
For any press enquiries please contact
Deborah Unger
Transparency International
T: +44 74321 66622
E: [email protected]
Anastasia Sudzilovskaya
UNCAC Coalition
E: [email protected]