Media Advisory: OAS General Assembly: anti-corruption action needed to counter insecurity
Transparency International (TI), the anti-corruption organisation, will present a series of vital recommendations to the Organisation of American States (OAS) 40th General Assembly to be held in Lima from 6-8 June.
Despite consistently identifying corruption as a fundamental problem jeopardising security and development in the region, concrete action by OAS member states remains insufficient. The Inter-American Convention against Corruption has existed since 1996 and more than ten years on, many of the OAS recommendations for implementation remain unmet.
TI board member Delia Ferreira, will be in Lima for a meeting with OAS Secretary General José Miguel Insulza to present him with TI’s recommendations for anti-corruption action by states. Ferreira is available for interviews in English or Spanish from 03-09 June.
Transparency International is the civil society organisation leading the fight against corruption
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