Breech of procedures may cost People
Once again negligence and break down of processes in governance as reported in the Post Courier today (Monday 06/10/08) may result in tax payers’ money being paid again by the state to an individual. Depending on the outcome of court action PNG could be facing a payout of some US50 million the equivalent of K140 million, funds that could be better spent on delivering basic goods and services to many citizens. TIPNG says while the people cry foul over undelivered services the government found it fit to engage an individual, it seems without following a rigorous process, for a substantial amount of money which rightfully could be used to fund essential in country services.
The PM’s representative (Kerenga Kua) has stated the matter had been resolved in June through international arbiters. However the matter now made public, reinforces the growing perception amongst the community that our ministers are travelling around the world “selling” PNG with no regard for the consequences.
TIPNG says the government should focus its efforts on ensuring that the country’s investment climate and conditions are more conducive and attractive to major foreign investors rather than through individual and risky arrangements such as the one reported. We have qualified people working within the government departments and agencies. We also have qualified people operating PNG businesses and representing peak body organisations who are able to provide advice and if anything ensure the decision making processes of Government is transparent and well tested.
The report points to an issue that should be of greater concern to the community and that is the activities of lobbyists and middle men who broker these deals. Why are they still being tolerated in the corridors of parliament and who will hold them to account for the poor advice given?
For any press enquiries please contact
Henry Yamo
T: (675) 320 2188
E: [email protected]