Peter Aitsi interim Chairman for TIPNG
Mr Peter Aitsi has been appointed Chairman for Transparency International PNG Inc (TIPNG) by a special board meeting held in Port Moresby on Monday 8th September 2008. Mr Aitsi is a current director of TI PNG.
The TIPNG Board also re-appointed long serving member, Mr Richard Kassman, as one of its directors. These appointments were announced by TI PNG Secretary, Lawrence Stephens.
Mr Stephens said: “TI PNG had the sad task of replacing our late Chairman Mike Manning. It is not an easy task. We are most grateful that both Peter Aitsi and Richard Kassman volunteered to take these important leadership roles.”
“Mr. Kassman is a founding director and long serving board secretary who stood aside early in 2008 to encourage newer members to take up the challenges”. .
“Mr Aitsi as Chairman of TIPNG now steps into the demanding role played by the late Mike Manning and Mr Kassman returns to the board as one of its 15 directors. TI PNG will conduct its annual general meeting and election of office holders in March 2009”
In accepting his appointment Mr Aitsi thanked fellow directors for the vote of confidence in nominating him to lead the TIPNG board to the next AGM and said he would do everything within his capacity to see promote the ideals of Transparency International.
Authorised by:
Lawrence Stephens
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