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TI Kenya and International Secretariat Public Statement

After a lengthy review process starting in April 2006, the renewal of the Kenya chapter of Transparency International (TI) culminated yesterday at a meeting of the Board of Directors of TI Kenya involving the stakeholders of TI Kenya, their international development partners and TI’s International Secretariat.

That process of institutional review – conducted variously by independent auditors, a special review team with a mandate from the TI International Board and by the TI Kenya chapter – also has clarified outstanding issues in the chapter’s governance and management.

TI-Kenya Board of Directors, with the approval of the TI International Secretariat, has agreed that the Kenya chapter will carry out a transitional plan in institutional reorganization while continuing its anti-corruption activities with current staff. While this transition process unfolds during the next several months, the TI International Secretariat re-states its continued support for the chapter and its staff.

The transitional plan will be implemented as follows:

  • Having successfully completed the review process, all but three board members are retiring while the remaining three will continue during the transition. These will be Ahmed Abdalla, Joe Kadhi and James Gitao.
  • An interim steering committee has been formed – in consultation with TI Kenya’s development partners – working in liaison with the TI Kenya Board to oversee chapter transition and assist in strategic focusing, in consultation with a Technical Advisor provided by the International Secretariat.
  • Execution of a membership drive will be overseen by the interim steering committee in line with good international practice of other TI chapters as the lead up to the convening of an Extraordinary General Meeting and the election of a new Board of Directors in 2007.

TI National Chapters are locally established legal entities, so matters relating to the human resources are their responsibility. The International Secretariat’s special review considered whether the termination of the outgoing Executive Director contravened TI ethical principles. The review did not indicate that the termination was in contravention of accepted standards for proper management. The review also did not identify any problems in the hiring and current employment of TI Kenya Secretariat personnel. Both issues are not considered relevant to the current reorganization of the chapter.

TI looks forward to fighting against corruption in Kenya through a strengthened and active chapter in the run-up to the December general elections.

The Board of Directors of TI Kenya

Casey Kelso, TI Secretariat Regional Director

For any press enquiries please contact

Felgona Atieno
T: +254 20 2730324/5 or 2727763/
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T: +254 733296389 (Celtel)