Media Advisory: Launch of the 2006 Global Corruption Barometer
In advance of the 3rd International Anti-Corruption Day on Saturday, 9 December, Transparency International will present the results of a public opinion survey of corruption in 62 countries.
The 2006 Global Corruption Barometer, now in its fourth edition, looks at the form and extent of corruption through the eyes of ordinary citizens around the world. It is based on a poll of nearly 60,000 people carried out by Gallup International.
For the first time, the Barometer will also explore respondents’ experience with extortion practices, identifying the sectors and institutions most affected by corruption.
Press Conference:
Thursday 7 December
11:00 CET
European Parliament
Room A3H-1 (3rd Floor)
rue Wiertz, Wiertzstraat
- David Nussbaum, Chief Executive, Transparency International
- Bill Newton Dunn, Member of the European Parliament,European Chapter, Global Parliamentarians against Corruption (GOPAC)
TI’s approximately 100 national chapters will hold press conferences in their respective countries. For a list of locations or additional information, please contact: [email protected].
Transparency International is the global civil society organisation leading the fight against corruption.
For any press enquiries please contact
Jesse Garcia
Gypsy Guillén Kaiser
T: +49-30-3438 20 667 / 662
E: [email protected]