International Anti-Corruption Conference 2024 theme announcement
21st edition of world's largest anti-corruption gathering set for 18-21 June 2024 in Vilnius, Lithuania

Image: Transparency International
The world's largest independent global forum, the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC), is set to take place for the 21st time from June 18-21, 2024 in Vilnius, Lithuania, under the theme "Confronting Global Threats: Standing Up for Integrity”.
In an era marked by interconnected global threats undermining global security, the need to combat these challenges is more pressing than ever. Those who are championing integrity, environmental protection, human rights, and social justice are engaged in a fierce battle. From climate change to diminishing trust in public governance, the rise of populist and kleptocratic regimes, these issues fuel an alarming increase in human rights violations, environmental destruction, illicit trade and trafficking, and the ever-stronger grip of organised crime.
The transition to a multipolar world, characterised by an ineffective global governance system, has further undermined efforts to fight corruption. Greed and disregard of integrity among those in power have become a norm, perpetuating impunity by violence, a shadowy financial system, unchecked networks of enablers, and new opportunities opened by emerging technologies.
As a global movement, we have persistently called upon world leaders to translate their commitments to protect fundamental values and combat corruption into concrete actions. Reflecting on last year’s IACC, it has become clear that these promises often fall short. We must strengthen our alliances and support those fighting for integrity, our shared rights and for the world we want.
Read the complete rationale for the IACC here.
As the world grapples with challenges, we must remember that it is the fighters for integrity and justice who stand at the front lines, fearlessly battling the darkness. We urge governments, international organisations, businesses, and members of civil society to unite with us in the collective effort to safeguard democratic principles and untangle the intricate knot of corruption, in pursuit of a more just world.
The 21st IACC invites champions of integrity and their allies from every corner of the globe. From public and private sectors to civil society, media, academia, and the torchbearers of younger generations, we will come together to define the essential steps to combat the global perils that threaten our world today, forging a brighter future we all aspire to.
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